If you prefer to send a check, please send to the address in the Membership Renewal Form below
1 Year Membership
2 Year Membership
5 Year Membership
Have you recently earned your ASES rating?
Send us the membership renewal form above along with a copy of your new certificate for a free one year membership
Or if you prefer, you can download and mail in the form below
The quality of every organization is found in the people who participate in it. The MSPA is proud to have each and every one of you as members and friends. All of our lives are enriched by sharing our love for seaplane flying with our friends, fellow pilots and loved ones.
The benefits of MSPA membership are many. The annual Pilot Safety Seminar, sponsored by the MSPA offers important educational opportunities for all pilots, and an annual Pig Roast highlights the summer flying season.
MSPA is working to create more opportunities to enjoy this vocation. This website has been remodeled and improved to provide easy access to new information, and a variety of opportunities for your enjoyment. We are also working on additional promotions and perks to introduce in the future that will enhance your float flying experience.
We would be honored to add your name to the membership list of all the people who make this association so special. Please inquire about joining us in our passion. If you are already one of us, consider inviting a non member to “ride along” with us in our efforts to make seaplane flying even better!
Thank you for checking us out!